18 Nov Visiting a Psychologist for Anxiety: What to Expect
Posted at 7:00 am in Individual Therapy by jlbworks
Anxiety can be confusing. We might not always understand the reasons we feel a certain way. All we see are the consequences. These anxious feelings can seem to pop up from nowhere. Attempting to treat something that doesn’t seem to have a cause can seem futile.
This, however, is not true. Anxiety disorders can be successfully treated. It won’t be as easy as going to the doctor and stitching up a wound, but it is very possible.
Seeing a psychologist can be a little intimidating for someone who’s never made an appointment before. Some people might think their problems aren’t severe enough to warrant a trip to a psychologist.
But if you’re experiencing difficulties with mental health — no matter how small you might think they are — you can benefit from visiting a psychologist.
Knowing what to expect can make the appointment seem a little less daunting. We’ve put together a quick explanation of what visiting a psychologist for anxiety might look like, and how it can help you.
So what can you expect from visiting a psychologist for anxiety?
- An Open Dialogue
- A Collaborative Effort
- A Unique Treatment Plan
- Group Therapy
- Family Therapy
- An Alleviation of Symptoms
An Open Dialogue
You will set the pace and tone for your visit to a psychologist for anxiety. This meeting is all about what you notice about how you feel, how this feeling manifests, and the consequences that stem from this.
The doctor will simply ask you what you would like to talk about. This might seem innocuous at first, but it’s a method of diving into your fears, motivations, and digging to the root of your anxiety issues.
A Collaborative Effort
This discussion will move forward in a natural way with input from both you and the doctor. The goal is to identify specific concerns that elicit these feelings of anxiety. And once these concerns are identified, you can start working toward a solution.
The problems discussed with a psychologist for anxiety won’t likely have a quick fix. However, you can work together to develop certain techniques and skills to combat these inciting factors.
You might be asked to practice these techniques outside of the office to discuss how they worked and adjust them if needed upon your return.
Visit Dr. Phil Chanin to learn more about treating anxiety in Nashville, TN today!
A Unique Treatment Plan
There are a series of anxiety disorders that can be diagnosed. These disorders will share many similar qualities and can point toward potential methods to address the underlying issues.
However, you are not like anybody else. We are all unique despite our shared experiences. This means that what worked for someone else might not work for you.
Your psychologist will use the information gained during your meetings to put together a specific and unique treatment plan they believe will best address your needs.
Group Therapy
Group therapy won’t be beneficial for every case. But some people find it comforting to be in the company of others experiencing a similar condition.
Getting together with a group of people and sharing your experiences might invoke an anxious reaction from a person already suffering from anxiety. Others will find themselves having the opposite reaction. The psychologist will use this method only in cases they deem it to be beneficial.
Family Therapy
This is particularly helpful for adolescent sufferers of anxiety. The psychologist might speak with members of your family in order to help them understand what you are experiencing.
This doesn’t mean they will divulge the specifics of what you discussed in your meetings with the psychologist.
The proper context for the experience of an anxious child will help the rest of the family to provide meaningful assistance when they are experiencing symptoms. It can also help the family members from accidentally behaving in a way that triggers these symptoms.
An Alleviation of Symptoms
Anxiety disorders can feel overwhelming. But no matter how strong anxiety might feel, it’s actually quite treatable. Seeing a psychologist for anxiety is an effective way to treat anxiety and find ways to actively diminish your experience with it.
Many anxiety sufferers see a decline in symptoms after a few short months of working with a psychologist.
Visit Dr. Phil Chanin — A Psychologist for Anxiety in Nashville, TN
Anxiety doesn’t have to follow you around for the rest of your life. There are methods and mechanisms that can be used to alleviate the pressure constant anxiety can put upon you. Dr. Phil Chanin has been helping the people of Nashville, TN and the surrounding areas for almost 30 years.
Are you experiencing anxiety and don’t know what to do about it? See a professional psychologist for anxiety right here in Nashville, TN.