25 Jan Various Types of Anxiety You May be Experiencing

Posted at 2:13 pm in Individual Therapy, News by jlbworks

Did you know that social anxiety disorder affects more than 15million adults? If you’ve been unsure about what type of anxiety you’ve been experiencing or feeling in your body, there’s no need to worry! Dr. Phil Chanin has got you covered.

Since we see only the result of our emotions, anxiety can be difficult to understand. On top of that, when we feel anxious, we can lose track of our days, avoid daily activities, not leave our homes, and so much more. With the right psychologist, anxiety disorders can be successfully treated.

Here are some of the anxiety disorders you may be experiencing symptoms from:

  1. Generalized Anxiety
  2. Panic Disorder
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  4. Social Anxiety
  5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  6. Seeking Treatment

Generalized Anxiety

One of the most common types of anxiety and the most common types of mental illnesses, generalized anxiety disorder is classified as excessive feelings of fear, anxiety or other emotions resulting in daily disruptions. In order to be diagnosed as someone with generalized anxiety disorder, you will have to have experienced or witnessed these symptoms for at least 6 months. Often, with the right therapist, and potentially anti-anxiety medication, you can combat these anxious feelings and get back on track, living your life.

Visit Dr. Phil Chanin to learn more about treating anxiety in Nashville, TN today!

Panic Disorder

Another common type of anxiety disorder is panic disorder. Individuals suffering from  panic disorder will often experience recurring, unexpected panic attacks or periods of intense fear throughout their day. An individual dealing with frequent panic attacks can eventually develop agoraphobia.

Agoraphobia is a less common anxiety disorder, but is classified as people who  avoid places or situations that might make them feel trapped or panicky. When dealing with recurring panic attacks and other anxiety symptoms, it can  be challenging to go about your normal life. From medication to therapeutic practices, you can find solutions to keep your panic attacks at bay.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

As an anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts, called obsessions, and repetitive actions, called compulsions. OCD can present itself in the form of intrusive thoughts that won’t go away, as well as in repetitive behaviors such as excessive hand washing, counting, checking, or cleaning.

While these behaviors are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away, performing these rituals tends to provide only temporary relief, and can often increase feelings of anxiety. When dealing with OCD symptoms, it can be exhausting and difficult to get through even the most menial task.

Social Anxiety

Another common type of anxiety to experience deals with social anxiety. Classified as a social phobia, dealing with social anxiety disorders can cause overwhelming worry and self-consciousness throughout your daily life. From being worried that others will judge you to fearing that you’ll embarrass yourself, socially anxious people tend to avoid social situations at all costs. This can make it difficult to maintain friendships, go to work or school and so much more.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD, another common anxiety disorder, can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or traumatic experience in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD can often include violent personal assault, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or even military combat. PTSD can also go hand in hand with panic disorders, making navigating daily life quite difficult.

Seeking Treatment

Any person who identifies with any of the above anxiety categories might be wondering when they should seek treatment. Instead of focusing on a specific stressful scenario, seeking treatment should be based on how much your anxiety is impacting your life.

Your anxiety may point to a disorder and suggest you need to seek a therapist when:

  • Anxiety interferes with your ability to function in typical situations.
  • You cannot seem to control your emotions when something out of the ordinary occurs.
  • You can’t seem to control your responses to situations, and can often experience a panic attack in which you find it hard to breathe.

It can be difficult to cope with anxiety disorders day to day. However, there are several effective treatments available to cope with anxiety disorders. When anxiety is keeping you away from the people you love, your job or even your favorite activities, you may need to seek treatment. Speak to a psychologist today to find the best course of action for you.

Visit Dr. Phil Chanin — a Psychologist for Anxiety in Nashville, TN

Anxiety doesn’t have to follow you around for the rest of your life. There are methods and mechanisms that can be used to alleviate the pressure constant anxiety can put upon you. Dr. Phil Chanin has been helping the people of Nashville, TN and the surrounding areas for almost 30 years.

Are you experiencing anxiety and don’t know what to do about it? See a professional psychologist for anxiety right here in Nashville, TN.

Contact Dr. Phil Chanin today.