03 Jul When You Should Seek Individual Counseling

Posted at 12:47 pm in Individual Therapy by jlbworks

Therapy has become more common in today’s society as many individuals are realizing they’re not alone in facing mental and emotional issues. Seeking counseling or therapy can be a big step for someone, especially men, who are hesitant to ask for help. However, in most cases, individuals find counseling to be very beneficial to their well-being and therefore actively seek therapy when they need it.


Therapy won’t always get rid of your problems on the first try, but it will get you closer to your long-term goal. For that reason, there are certain situations and events in which individual counseling is the best path to proceed when you feel lost.


You Have An Unstable Family Background

Parental influence throughout your childhood and adolescence play a significant role in shaping your mental health. Positive parenting practices contribute to healthy development, while neglect and authoritarian parenting styles increase the risk of mental health issues.


Along with parenting issues comes ongoing conflict. Left unresolved, conflict has profound psychological and emotional effects on individuals. Anything from a parent-child relationship to sibling rivalry can create a tense environment that will affect your development and communication skills as you get older.


If your childhood issues are affecting you as an adult, then you might want to consider seeing a psychotherapist to discuss your family background and make sense of your history.


You’ve Been Diagnosed With A Mental Health Condition

After being diagnosed with a mental health condition, such as anxiety, depression, or OCD, you might feel lost on how to manage your symptoms. In order to create an effective treatment plan, a psychologist will need to know what happens to your body and mind when your condition is triggered, such as your racing thoughts, feelings of dread, shortness of breath, upset stomach, insomnia, etc.


When you’re having difficulty managing your anxiety, or any mental health condition, it can dramatically interfere with your performance and personal relationships. By working with a psychologist, you’ll learn how to treat your condition along with other co-occurring disorders to improve your quality of life.


You’re Experiencing Personal Trauma

Maybe you’re dealing with a stressful life event or major change, like the loss of a loved one or getting laid off from your job. When you experience personal trauma, you’ll most likely experience nightmares, mood swings, and emotional difficulties such as overwhelming fear.


When you’re constantly in a battle with these symptoms of trauma, it makes it challenging to perform daily tasks. In some instances, you might not even realize your symptoms are connected to an unaddressed trauma. That’s when individual counseling becomes critical for both your mental and physical health. A psychologist will help you address traumatic events, explore unhealthy behavioral patterns, and ultimately find healing.


You Want To Change Your Behavior

Understanding when counseling can help is important for making behavioral changes. Sometimes you can feel stuck and like you’re not making any progress, but individual counseling can prepare you for life changes so that you’re ready to take them on as they come and avoid repeating unwanted behavioral patterns.


The right therapist will help you identify self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors, focusing their treatment on current problems and how to change them. Everybody has the power to change, but the first step to changing your behavior is admitting you are part of the problem. From there, you can build a solid foundation of trust and comfort with your therapist.


You Feel Your Relationships Are Strained

Realizing you’ve started to isolate yourself from your friends and loved ones is often a sign of distress. Whether it’s from your own behavioral patterns, personal trauma, or a recent diagnosis that’s causing a strain in your relationships, you should consider seeking individual counseling to find the root of the issue.


Alternatively, you might feel stuck in an unhealthy relationship (romantic or platonic) and want guidance on how to address a toxic situation. Therapy will help you put a name to the disconnect you feel and how to go about solving the conflict. If it’s a situation that warrants ending the relationship altogether, then an individual therapist can help fix your broken pieces and better the relationship with yourself.


Individual Counseling Is For Everyone

Whether you’re dealing with a traumatic past or current difficulties with relationships, individual counseling can be extremely beneficial to finding mental stability. It helps you develop healthy coping mechanisms and not feel alone when you’re going through a lot in your life.


You owe it to yourself to find the right therapist who will help you address your issues and move forward in a positive manner. If you’re in the Nashville, TN area looking to start individual counseling, consider contacting Dr. Phil Chanin, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in personal growth and healing.


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