01 Nov Common Reasons to Seek Treatment for Anxiety

Posted at 4:21 pm in News by jlbworks

Did you know that only 36.9% of those suffering from anxiety have sought out treatment options? Anxiety is a tough condition to understand, since we only see the consequences of our feelings. Sometimes we feel anxious for no apparent reason, and it can distract us from our daily activities. 

If there is no apparent cause, treating your feelings of anxiety can seem futile. This, however, is not true. With the right psychologist, anxiety disorders can be successfully treated. No matter how big or small you might think your anxiety problems are, you can always benefit from visiting a psychologist for anxiety.

Having a better understanding of when to seek treatment can help you in making your decision to visit a psychologist. 

Here are common reasons to seek treatment for anxiety:

  1. Understanding Anxiety Disorders
  2. Anxiety Disorder Risks
  3. Common Anxiety Disorders
  4. When to Seek Treatment

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders are common. Some people with anxiety disorders may feel dread and fear when certain things or situations occur. Outside of intrusive thoughts and mental chatter, anxiety may also manifest physically, such as a pounding heart and sweating. 

In some cases, anxious feelings can be normal, such as feeling anxious or nervous if you have to tackle a problem at work, or you need to make an important decision. There is, however, more to anxiety disorders than just the occasional nervousness or slight fear you may experience. 

Your anxiety may point to a disorder when:

  • Anxiety interferes with your ability to function in typical situations.
  • You cannot seem to control your emotions when something out of the ordinary occurs.
  • You can’t seem to control your responses to situations, and can often experience a panic attack in which you find it hard to breathe.

Anxiety disorders can make getting through the day difficult. The good news is that there are several effective treatments for these disorders.

Visit Dr. Phil Chanin to learn more about treating anxiety in Nashville, TN today!

Anxiety Disorder Risks

Although anxiety disorders typically affect women more than men, a combination of environmental and genetic factors can raise a person’s risk for developing an anxiety disorder. 

It is possible that you are at a higher risk if you:

  • Characteristics such as shyness or behavioral inhibition – feeling uncomfortable with people, situations, and environments that are unfamiliar can lead to an anxiety disorder.
  • Anxiety disorders can also begin and stem from stressful or traumatic events in early childhood or adulthood.
  • You may also be predisposed to anxiety disorders based on family history of anxiety or other mental health conditions.
  • Certain physical conditions, including thyroid problems, heart arrhythmias or other issues can also predispose you to anxiety disorders as well.
  • Alcohol and Drug Addiction – While alcohol doesn’t directly cause mental illness, mental illness such as anxiety and depression are common in people with alcohol use disorder.

Common Anxiety Disorders:

Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common types of mental illness. This type of anxiety disorder manifests as excessive anxiety and emotions resulting in daily problems within your life and is diagnosed if you have been experiencing these feelings for at least six months. 

Panic disorder

Panic disorder is another type of anxiety disorder and can also be paired with other types of anxiety disorders. Individuals with panic disorder experience recurring, unexpected panic attacks or periods of intense fear. An individual with the condition can develop agoraphobia, in which he or she fears and avoids places or situations that might make them feel trapped or panicky.

Social anxiety disorder

Healthcare providers used to classify social anxiety disorders as social phobia. Having social anxiety disorders can cause overwhelming worry and self-consciousness. Worried that others will judge you or that you’ll embarrass yourself or expose yourself to ridicule? Anxious people tend to avoid social situations at all costs.

Learn more about the various types of anxiety you may be experiencing.

When to Seek Treatment

If you relate to any of the above classifications of anxiety, then you might be wondering at what point should you seek treatment. Rather than a specific anxiety inducing situation, seeking treatment should more be a question of how much your anxiety is impacting your life. If you’re unable to leave the house, unable to eat, sleep or concentrate, and this goes on for longer than several weeks, it’s time to talk to a doctor.

If your anxiety is keeping you away from the people you love, your job or even your most favorite activities, it may be time for you to seek treatment. Don’t let anxiety get in the way of your daily life. Speak to a psychologist today to find the best course of action for you. 

Visit Dr. Phil Chanin — a Psychologist for Anxiety 

Anxiety doesn’t have to follow you around for the rest of your life. There are methods and mechanisms that can be used to alleviate the pressure constant anxiety can put upon you. Dr. Phil Chanin has been helping the people of Nashville, TN and the surrounding areas for almost 30 years.

Are you experiencing anxiety and don’t know what to do about it? See a professional psychologist for anxiety right here in Nashville, TN. 

Contact Dr. Phil Chanin today.