03 Aug When to See a Psychologist for Career Issues

Posted at 12:37 pm in News by jlbworks

If you’re unsatisfied with your career, there can be a plethora of negative emotions tied to it. That’s why it’s important you see a psychologist if you struggle with your career. However, it can be tough to self-identify certain issues that call for change. A psychologist will challenge you where necessary and gently support you to help reach your career goals, but it’s up to you to seek direction.

Here are 6 reasons to see a psychologist for career issues: 

  1. Lack of Resources and Goals
  2. Anxiety and Stress
  3. Unhappiness or Lack of Motivation
  4. Career Changes and Transitioning
  5. Relationship Problems in the Workplace
  6. Workaholism

Lack of Resources and Goals

The satisfaction of having a fulfilling career is an amazing thing. However, this feeling rarely comes easily. A psychologist can help you gain a clearer sense of your goals by helping you establish what you’re looking for out of a long lasting career then provide you with available resources to reach those motivations. The last thing you want to do is waste a career opportunity because you were unaware of how it can satisfy your needs.

Anxiety and Stress

The truth is, working hard is rarely a reward in itself. If work is a significant source of stress and anxiety, reaching out for help to recognize unhealthy behaviors can help you improve your condition dramatically. An anxiety specialist can teach you healthy coping mechanisms in order to relieve stress and improve overall mood and well-being. In most cases, this is far more effective than isolating the problem from a job.

Unhappiness or Lack of Motivation

Are you in the middle of your career and feeling stuck? You’re not alone. In fact, 50% of workers are dissatisfied with their jobs, but choose to work for them anyway. On your own, it’s hard to figure out what you really want from your career – a job that helps you live life to the fullest. That lack of motivation in a career can be felt at different levels due to everyone’s unique set of circumstances. A psychologist may be able to help you find the answers you’re looking for.

Career Changes and Transitioning

Transitioning from one career to another is not an easy task. It’s difficult to “fit in” with your new workplace, go from one job to another, and not have the feeling of being an imposter. In order to deal with career transitions, it may be helpful to consider seeking out a psychologist that specializes in career issues. Psychologists for career issues help people overcome various life conflicts and deal with their career change.

Changing your career? Reach out to Dr. Phil Chanin for help with your transition. 

Relationship Problems in the Workplace

Relationship problems can happen in many different ways. For example, there are a variety of communication problems that can create difficulty with co-workers. Unequal power dynamics could also cause strain and anxiety throughout the workplace. In any case, negative workplace relationships can decrease motivation and damage productivity. A psychologist can develop strategies to communicate effectively and manage workplace stress.


A workaholic is defined as an individual who works excessive hours and thinks constantly about their work, but doesn’t actually enjoy their job. According to a study by the University of Sheffield, workaholism is associated with poor mental health, including higher levels of anxiety, insomnia, social dysfunction, and depression. A psychologist can help combat workaholism through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and meditation awareness training, among other treatment methods.

Psychologist for Career Issues in Nashville, TN

Overall, seeing a psychologist for career issues can be effectively used as an alternative to having a career crisis. A psychologist like Dr. Phil Chanin who specializes in career issues will be able to help you in ways that you can’t achieve on your own by providing the resources necessary to have a better life and fulfill a career that’s right for you.

In the Nashville area? Contact Dr. Phil Chanin for more information about individual therapy for career issues.